Spring Semester is now open!
Instructor FAQ
How do I get an article on reserve?
Article reserves can be added to courses.
- Go to your course in the Library Reserves website.
- Select the "Add Reserve" button and then the "New Reserve" link from the menu.
- Select the button for "Article".
- Fill in the Form and click save. For more help select the "How to use this page." link.
Tips- Get your requests in early. We can take requests six (6) months in advance. Early requests allow staff the time to obtain the proper permissions for use.
- Please provide the full citation for faster processing of your requests.
Contact Information
Library Reserves
General Processing Team
Phone: 574-631-7578
Video Processing Team
Sheila Britton
Manager, Reserves and Interlibrary Loan Lending
Phone: 574-631-3993